Welcome to Project Mavens, the place where projects come to life.

I’ve worked with artists, entrepreneurs, producers and other creative souls, helping them build out their ideas and get them connected to the resources they need to grow and flourish. With decades of experience in a variety of creative fields, I’ve provided services ranging from writing and editing to team building and producing.

These days, I’m most interested in consulting and collaboration on long-term projects that require overall strategizing along with creative input. I’m fluid in a number of mediums and open to considering developmental projects that have some initial support. When it comes to fleshing out ideas and building relationships, it all starts with a conversation, so let me know if you want to chat. The first half-hour is on me.

I’ve curated and performed at KGB Bar, Animamus Art Salon, Shag, Green Oasis Community Garden, Chinatown Soup, The Red Room at KGB, UNDER St. Marks Theater, JCC Harlem and The Yard: Williamsburg Bridge, where I was the inaugural resident art curator from 2018-2019. I have written numerous online articles and interviews, edited museum catalogs, edited and written introductions for several books, and my essay was featured in the award winning anthology, We Got This — Solo Mom Stories of Grit, Heart, and HumorMy formal training is in music and theatre, but I’ve also been a DJ and a filmmaker. I still love playing the flute. I am currently the Gallery Manager at C24 Gallery in NYC.

My professional resume can be found here.

I take on new projects selectively. Feel free to contact me to discuss your ideas at projectmavensnyc@gmail.com.

– Deborah Oster Pannell

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